

The instance is the fundamental scalable unit of a project. The pool of leased cloud-based resources can be conveniently managed by means of the dashboard. The client creates the required number of instances, defines the type and volume of storage for each instance and deploys them from a prepared set of images of distributions of various operating systems (both popular versions of Windows, Linux, Free BSD and also highly specialised systems such as Router OS).

Instances and storage

Each VM may have one or several disks connected to it simultaneously. The types of disks may also vary. Disks of different types are used in configurations for storing data with different requirements for processing power.

For example:

  • gs1 - database, mail, file server with intensive data exchange;
  • cs1 - archives, backup copies and documents that are less sensitive to processing power.

Instances and the network

Each instance may have several network adapters, and each adapter may be assigned a separate network. For example, an instance might be connected to an external network linked to the Internet and simultaneously to an internal network that acts in the form of a gateway. The instances can operate with both IPv4 and IPv6 networks.