Отключение диска

Detach a volume from an instance

  1. Detach your volume from a server, specifying the server ID and the volume ID:
$ openstack server remove volume 84c6e57d-a6b1-44b6-81eb-fcb36afd31b5 \
  1. Show information for your volume:
$ openstack volume show 573e024d-5235-49ce-8332-be1576d323f8

The output shows that the volume is no longer attached to the server:

| Field                        | Value                                         |
| attachments                  | []                                            |
| availability_zone            | nova                                          |
| bootable                     | true                                          |
| consistencygroup_id          | None                                          |
| created_at                   | 2016-10-13T06:08:07.000000                    |
| description                  | None                                          |
| encrypted                    | False                                         |
| id                           | 573e024d-5235-49ce-8332-be1576d323f8          |
| multiattach                  | False                                         |
| name                         | my-new-volume                                 |
| properties                   |                                               |
| replication_status           | disabled                                      |
| size                         | 8                                             |
| snapshot_id                  | None                                          |
| source_volid                 | None                                          |
| status                       | in-use                                        |
| type                         | lvmdriver-1                                   |
| updated_at                   | 2016-10-13T06:08:11.000000                    |
| user_id                      | 33fdc37314914796883706b33e587d51              |