
By default, limitations are set for each client project:

  • An unlimited number of instances (the maximum number of instances is limited only by the available resource pool and the configuration of the instances themselves);

Limitations on working with volumes

  • A maximum of 100 volumes per project, excluding the tiers to the storage type (cs1 or gs1).
  • Maximum volume per volume 2 TB.
  • Maximum 1000 snapshots;

Limitations on working with networks

  • Maximum 1000 network ports;
  • Maximum 1000 floating IP addresses;
  • Maximum 100 networks;
  • Maximum 100 subnets;
  • Maximum 10 virtual routers;
  • Maximum 10 security groups;
  • Maximum 100 security group rules;
  • Maximum 10 VPN services;
  • Maximum 10 ike policies;
  • Maximum 10 ipsec policies;
  • Maximum 10 ipsec site-to-site connections;
  • Maximum 10 firewalls;
  • Maximum 10 firewall policies;
  • Maximum 100 firewall rules.


When choosing VPN tunnelling technology to access cloud infrastructure, bear in mind that the use of the generic routing encapsulation (GRE) protocol is restricted.

This restriction prohibits the use of the GRE protocol or its combination with other ‘point-to-point’ methods of tunnelling - PPTP. This restriction arises from an architectural decision in designing the network topology of the SIM-Cloud service, and specifically connected to the use of network address translation (NAT; SNAT). Additionally, GRE is designed for technologies with low security levels; data is encapsulated in GRE but is transmitted in an open format. You can find out more about the recommended VPN technologies in our specialist article.

Unsupported / illegal actions

  • Expanding the volume or number of CPUs, RAM or volumes while the systems are running; the instance must be shut down for the duration of these activities;
  • Deployment of any other virtualisation (hyper-v, esxi, xen) ‘above the cloud’, i.e. ‘hypervisor over hypervisor’ is an action we do not recommend and we cannot guarantee the stability or effectiveness of such a solution;
  • Manual creation by clients of account systems and configuring the rights of access to them.


Up to 28 PCI devices can be connected to each instance. This limitation is due to the technical parameters of the KVM hypervisor. The total of all devices can be spread between the various network equipment and volumes. In other words, you can connect up to 28 volumes or devices, or 14 adapters plus 14 volumes, or divide the proportions another way within the total of 28.